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359 weeks ago

Musings of a Mad Southerner
by Don Miller
rating: 5.0 (1 reviews)

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With the GENTLE insistence of a former student, now writer, now mentor, and forever friend, Jeri Lynn Cooper, I decided to test the blogging waters in 2015. She had insisted I was a natural and I decided to take her word for it. I am sure there are people who might disagree with Jeri Lynn after my two years of blogging history but it has allowed me to empty my head of all the content which &#x201c;bothers me so.&#x201d; <br />When I began to blog I was mad, as in angry. Dylan Roof had turned our state on its head, murdering nine church worshippers who didn&#x2019;t look like him in the name of white supremacy. Our governor and legislative assembly promptly lit a firestorm over the needed removal of the Confederate Flag from our state house grounds. I was angry because of what I believed to be misplaced divisiveness over our Southern heritage as opposed to our racial hate. Neither side of the argument seemed willing to concede the other might have a point. Consequently, I decided on &#x201c;Ravings of a Mad Southerner&#x201d; as the title for my blog.<br />No matter. The flag is now gone, if not forgotten, and not a moment too soon in my way of thinking. Dylan Roof has been sentenced to die and I&#x2019;m no longer angry about the divisiveness over the flag because that divisiveness has been replaced by a nationwide derisiveness over our new president. <br />As you are aware, mad can be defined as anger but also as mental illness or craziness or having enthusiasm for someone or something as in &#x201c;I am mad about my wife Linda Gail or a big ole plate of shrimp and grits.&#x201d; My madness and enthusiasm has taken over my anger and I have written about my wife, childhood, family, Southern paradoxes, food, friends, enemies, battles with my depression and &#x201c;things that bother me so&#x201d; such as my colonoscopy. I have blogged in anger over politics, bigotry and racism but will attempt to keep them to a minimum. I have decided to include many of my posts in a collection entitled &#x201c;Musings of a Mad Southerner.&#x201d; Unlike my blog, I will attempt to group them with rhyme and reason but can&#x2019;t really guarantee I will be successful. Sometimes random rules my day and my madness. Yeah&#x2026;random it is.<br />

rank: #1,767,697
price: $8.99
bound: 211 pages
publisher: Don Miller (March 18, 2017)
lang: English
asin: B06XQR8M42
filesize: 520 KB

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last edited 333 weeks ago by Farandela
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